Rabu, 13 April 2016

cara mudah mempelajari tentang hotatory exposition text berserta contohnya dengan mudah

General structure:

  • Thesis, memperkenalkan persoalan yang dibahas.
  • Arguments, alasan untuk pembahasan, yang mengarahkan ke recommendation
  • Recommendation, pernyataan apakah suatu hal seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya terjadi.

    Features (kebahasaan):

    Fokus pada umumnya manusia dan pelaku non-manusia
    Menggunakan abstract noun, seperti policy, advantage, dsb.
    Menggunakan action verb dan technical verb.
    Menggunakan mental processes, seperti I feel, I realize, dsb.
    Menggunaan material processes, seperti should be treated, dsb.
    Menggunakan modal verb, seperti we must preserve, dsb.
    Menggunakan evaluative words, seperti valuable, dsb.
    Menggunakan relational processes, seperti doesn’t seem to have been, dsb.
    Menggunakan passive voice dan simple present tense.
Contoh hortatory exposition:
  • Damaged Roads

    The number of damaged roads linking Jakarta with West Java has certainly provoked complaints from locals and roads users. Take for an example, the roads in Bekasi and Tangerang, which have been the focus of the media.

    The poor condition of these roads not only jeopardizes road safety, but also gives a squalid impression. Moreover, the condition will get worse when it rains. The roads are transformed into water pools or puddles, which can easily cause accidents if motorist are not careful.

    No wonder if some people question why there are so many damaged roads and why repairs do not seem to last long. The government should pay special attention to these problems.

    In my opinion, the roads should be repaired using the right sort of asphalt, stones, and sand. Repairs should be done carefully so that the roads can be prevented from constant damage. Otherwise, the repairs would be useless.
  • The Importance of Reading

    I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?

    Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology, sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.

    Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.

    Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books, novel, comic, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.

    The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.

    From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.
    •  Corruption

      Corruption in Indonesia is growing systematically. For many people, corruption is no longer as a violation of law, but it is just a custom. In Indonesia, corruption happens as if it is a normal thing to do, especially among officials. Officials seem to have no shame to do disservice to this country. This creates a question, what the causes of corruption in Indonesia are. At least there are eight causes of corruption that happens in Indonesia.

      First, state administration system is erroneously. As new developed country, the development priorities must be in education. But for decades, started from old order era, the new order era, until reformation era, the development only focused on the economic field. Whereas, every country that is newly independent, is still limited in having human resources, money, management, and technology. So, as a consequence, all of those things are imported from abroad which in turn it produces the cause of corruption.

      Second, civil servants’ compensation is low. Newly independent countries do not have enough money to pay higher compensation to employees. Moreover Indonesia, which prioritizes economic and cultural field, makes a pattern of consumerism culturally and physically, so that 90 percent of civil servants do corruption.

      Third, officials are greedy. Consumerism lifestyle, was born by the development system, encourages officials to be rich instantly. This causes the attitude of greed where officials abuse the authority and his position, as doing mark up to the development projects.

      Fourth, Law Enforcement does not run well. Officials that are greedy and civil servants who do corruption because of the insufficient salary, do not run law enforcement well. Besides, in government agencies and organizations community, everything that involves in the law enforcement is measured by money.

      Fifth, the punishment that is lightly against the corruptor. The law enforcement does not work properly, where law enforcement officials can be paid. Thus, the punishment for the corruptor is very light and it does not cause a deterrent effect.

      Sixth, the supervision is not effective. In a modern system of management, there is always the instrument called internal control which the nature is in build in every unit of work task. So that a little deviation will be detected earlier and automatically repaired. But, internal control which exists in every unit no longer went properly because the officer or employee who relates to the business, can do the act of corruption.

      Seventh, there is no exemplary leader. In 1997, the state of the Indonesian economy is slightly better than Thailand. But, the leader of Thailand gave an example to its people in a pattern of simple life. Thus, moral support and material were born from the public and employers. In short time, Thailand got economic recovery. In Indonesia, there was no leader that can be an example so that the national and state life is nearly in ravine destruction.

      Eighth, corruption in Indonesia is not only centred on state officials recently but already it extends to the community. This can be exemplified by the handling of the ID card, driver’s licence, vehicles registration, or when applying for work. This is a reflection of the community actions which is carried out by political officials.

      Based on those arguments that show us the causes of corruption, we have to do preventive actions against corruption. We should build legal regime, the prevention form all elements that can provide the illumination law and information that are held to the government, public services, providers of goods n services, and private parties. Say no to corruption and let us fight against it.

      • Say NO to Drugs


        Drugs Is an abbreviation of Narcotic and other dangerous medicines. Besides drugs, another term to call them is NAPZA which stands for Narcotics, Phsycotropica and other addictive substances (hazardous materials). Drugs are very dangerous for us. However, nowadays these drugs have been widely circulated in the community both in urban, rural, and even circulated in law enforcement agencies circle. Many factors lead people to use drugs especially for teenagers. The main factor that causes teens to use drugs is crisis of identity. They are searching for their identity which they have not met yet so that they are easily tempted by drugs. Another factor is family factor. There are so many families who do not pay attention to their children, especially for broken home families. These drug users do not know that drugs can have a negative impact on its users; the following are the adverse effects that could be caused by the drug.

        In terms of health, drugs can harm organs in our body. Substances which are contained in the drug can damage brain and kidneys when it is consumed continuously. Drugs can cause hallucinogenic effects that can harm our nerves. Drugs also can cause addiction effect to its users so that they will feel addicted and want to use the drug continuously. In addition, the use of drugs also can make the user depressed, and cause various dangerous diseases such as liver disease, schizophrenia, blood clots, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and ultimately can lead to DEATH!

        When viewed in terms of religion, drugs are things that are illicit and should be shunned because drugs can cause a variety of crimes such as thieves, rob, and even kill. Drug users who do not have money to buy it will perform those crime actions to obtain drugs. Moreover Drugs can also harm themselves and others. By using drugs, it means that we have been doing thing which is forbidden in the religion so that we will get sin.

        Moreover, for teenagers drugs can ruin their future and jeopardize the future of this nation. Teens who use drugs will feel lazy to learn and have no spirit or desire to live. They will only be seduced by momentary pleasures offered by drug. In addition to, drugs also harm our nation. We can see from data collected by the government that 32 percent of drug users in Indonesia are teenagers. Nearly half of teenagers in Indonesia had been using drugs, whereas they are future generation for this nation. What would happen if the successors of our nation are the generation who are lazy and like to do bad action.

        Based on discussion above, we can conclude that drug is thing which is dangerous for its user, other people and nation. Therefore, let us stay away from drugs by saying no to drugs, involving in preventing drug action around us, doing socialization about the dangers of drugs and much more. Because without drugs our lives would be more meaningful while with drugs our life will be full of miserable.

        Online Job 
        Online jobs are selected in part-time employment for many, and some have taken more seriously. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working online has its advantages if we manage efectively. Why not?
        It offers flexibility and convenience that no other job can give. We can work from home with minimal investment and get a good income. The idea of adding weight to our pocket and makes life easier and comfortable is the most reassuring.

        The reason behind this great opportunity is that every day there are new companies to join. Every day and every minute men are seeking information aboute verything under the sky of the Internet.

        As we know, the Internet is the answer to every question, web sites need to update each section and also add reports on developments that have recently joined. Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles.

        There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly recommeded are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very careful because scamming opportunities are always there. 

        sekian dulu masih banyak lagi yang akan dibahas dan terima kasih yg udah masuk blog saya

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